Using light to live healthier

How is lighting impacting your health?

At the dawn of the 21st century, scientists discovered a third set of light-sensitive cells called intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs), which sync the body's internal clock in response to specific wavelengths of light. This revelation has reshaped our understanding of light from being merely for vision, to a pillar of health—tantamount to clean water and air.

But the way we light buildings hasn't caught up with the science. Dimly lit offices during the day and excessive exposure to blue light at night wreaked havoc on our internal clocks, also known as circadian rhythms. The result? Chronobiologist Till Roenneberg's extensive survey across central Europe disclosed a disconcerting trend: 1/3 of participants experienced a circadian misalignment of two hours or more, a condition akin to a perpetual state of mild jet-lag. The disruption was was pronounced in urban centers where indoor lifestyles dominate.

In the short term

If your circadian rhythm is out of sync, you might find it difficult to wake up in the mornings, feel unable to maintain energy and alertness during the day and struggle to get quality sleep at night.

In the long term

Our circadian rhythms wield considerable influence over various bodily functions. Circadian disruptions have been linked to severe health issues like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and diabetes. Now, on the cusp of a groundbreaking era, innovative technologies are leveraging light to enhance our well-being. 

We help office workers live better with light

Recognising the challenge most office workers face, our team of highly qualified chronobiologists and lighting experts designed the Osin Loop. The Loop emits precisely the wavelengths that calibrate your circadian rhythm. Research shows that an aligned circadian rhythm helps ensure you live a long and healthy life by:

• Reducing the risk of heart disease(see studies 🔎:1,2)
• Reducing the risk of cancer(see studies 🔎:3,4)
• Reduce the risk of obesity(see studies 🔎:5,6)
• Reduce the risk of diabetes(see studies 🔎:7,8)
• Reduce risk of neurodegenerative diseases(see studies 🔎:9,10)
• Reduce the risk of depression and other mental health conditions(see study 🔎:11)

State of the art technology

What makes this so promising is the prospect of integrating these benefits seamlessly into our daily lives without overhauling our lighting systems. It's not merely about illuminating spaces; it's about harnessing the power of light to enrich our lives. 

In some ways, it's better than sunlight. We all know that spending too much time in the sun can cause premature aging and skin cancers. Circadian lighting poses no such risk. And unlike the sun, we can change the timing of circadian lighting. That means in the future, we may be able to assist shift workers - who are currently worst affected by circadian disruption - in adjusting to their schedule. The same technology could be used in the future to help not only shift workers. Suppose you have a flight next week. In the future, your personal circadian light could help you gradually adjust your internal time so that on the morning of the flight, you wake on time without an alarm clock. 


My sleep improved and I found myself more focused during the days. It doesn't hurt that it's a beautiful product - I had the coolest looking desk in the lab!


The light looks fabulous and easy to set up. Still, too early to tell whether it work on the circadian clock but I do feel sleepier at night for the last couple of nights .


Just like a mother's kiss. I just live the soft changing of light colour. The amber one I feel like it is embracing my whole senses!


Osin Loop

Better health with Loop

Step into a brighter, healthier future by bringing the outside in and enhancing your relationship with light. Discover the benefits of harnessing the power of the right light at the right time to improve your overall health, sleep quality, and productivity

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